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服装在群体演出活动中发挥重要作用,直接影响整体演出效果呈现。为实现群体演出活动服装的虚拟设计和虚拟演练目标,设计实现群体演出活动服装虚拟仿真系统。利用CLO3D建立人体模型,构建服装个体模型,将人体和服装模型导入Unity后,调整服装材质并且添加纹理图,在Unity中复制成群体,开发演出场景虚拟仿真的交互界面,实现群体演出服装整体效果的设计与可视化虚拟仿真。仿真结果表明,虚拟仿真技术能够模拟出群体演出活动的大体效果,节约排练成本,缩短排练的周期。  相似文献   
为获取高精度面料外形数据,建立了由面料台、传感器和微机组成的服装面料三维非接触式坐标测量系统,对系统的工作原理和数据预处理过程进行了详细阐述,实现了“零接触力测量”,有效避免了由测量力引起的系统误差和随机误差.此外,系统还采用光栅投影和数字相移结合的技术,综合了相移法和光学三角测量原理的特点,测量速度快、准确性高,试验结果表明:所建系统获得的面料形态的数字信号,可以为服装面料的外观评价提供客观依据.  相似文献   
用中心旋转法设计了防皱整理剂RESIN BRT、拒油防污剂PM-492和氯化镁3个变量、5个水平的20个试验.通过分析试样的折皱回复角、释放甲醛量、撕破强力保留率的等值图,确定了较佳的拒油防污防缩整理工艺:防皱整理剂RESIN BRT 80~85 g/L,拒油防污剂PM-492 40 g/L,MgCl2.6H2O 12~13 g/L,整理液pH值4.2,二浸二轧,105~110℃下预烘3 min,165~170℃下焙烘2 min.整理后衬布的拒水拒油性能达到120分,水洗尺寸变化率为-0.7%,热熔衬布释放甲醛量小于40 mg/kg,折皱回复角大于270°,衬布的质量符合优等品的要求.  相似文献   
介绍了GC20202 系列高速针杆离合双针平缝机针牙同步送布机构的构成及工作原理.  相似文献   
为了加快荣昌夏布产业结构调整、产业升级,使荣昌夏布这一非物质文化遗产得到更好的传承和发展,通过问卷调查,从销售、生产模式、小微企业、种植农户等方面分析荣昌夏布产业的现状,指出其在非物质文化遗产保护、新兴业态构建、公共服务平台建设等发展面临的挑战.并从统一思想、转变职能、培育与培训夏布传承人、编制人员、建立公共服务平台、产业集群和工业园区建设、品牌建设、苎麻种植、招商引资等七个方面提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   
4-tert-butylstyrene-EPDM-divinylbenzene graft terpolymer (PBED) was prepared by graft cross-polymerization in toluene using BPO as an initiator. The gel-PBED and solPBED were isolated from extraction of tetrahydrofuran (THF), and then they were identified by IR spectroscopy. The maximum oil-absorptivity of gel-PBED produced from the optinum reaction conditions was 8 420% but its swelling rate was very low. The highest oil-absorptivity of photocrosslinked sol-PBED film was 5 800%. Although its oil absorbency was not as high as gel-PBED' s, swelling rate was higher than that of gelPBED and was suitable for commercial purpose. After swelling in oil, neither gel PBED nor photocrosslinked sol-PBED film having high oil-absorptivity had sufficient mechanical strength to be taken out of oil wholly. As is known, composite technique is one of the useful methods for reinforcing them. Fibers, sponges and non-woven cloths were used as reinforcers or supporters in this work. Oil-absorptivities and swelling kinetics were evaluated by method ASTM (F726 - 81 ) and an experimental equation. The mechanical properties and the morphologies of some composites were measured by tensile tester and SEM , respectively.  相似文献   
4-tert-butylstyrene-EPDM-divinylbenzene graft terpolym-er (PBED) was prepared by graft cross-polymerization in toluene using BPO as an initiator. The gel-PBED and sol-PBED were isolated from extraction of tetrahydrofuran (THF), and then they were identified by IR spectr-oscopy. The maximum oil-absorptivity of gel-PBED produced from the optimum reaction conditions was 8420% but its swelling rate was very low. The highest oil-absorptivity of photocrosslinked sol-PBED film was 5 800%. Although its oil absorbency was not as high as gel-PBED' s, swelling rate was higher than that of gel-PBED and was suitable for commercial purpose. After swelling in oil, neither gel-PBED nor photocrosslinked sol-PBED film having high oil-absorptivity had sufficient mechanical strength to be taken out of oil wholly. As is known, composite technique is one of the useful methods for reinforcing them. Fibers, sponges and non-woven cloths were used as reinforcers or supporters in this work. Oil-absorptivities and swelling kinetics  相似文献   
基于动态位置约束的布料变形方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在服装动画中,基于物理的方法通常可以产生较好的动画效果。但对于特定区域,如紧贴人体的服装区域等,使用物理方法驱动其变形时,通常需要增大服装与人体面之间的摩擦力,以保证二者相对正确的位置关系。而过大的作用力会引入数值计算问题,从而降低系统稳定性。针对此问题,提出一种动态位置约束的布料变形方法。首先建立服装顶点与人体皮肤面之间的映射关系;其次,基于人体皮肤变形前与变形后的数据求解出仿射变换,并将仿射变换应用到变形前的服装数据上,以求得服装相对人体面的正确位置及运动;最后,通过实验验证了方法的有效性。方法不仅可以对服装指定区域实施持续不变的位置约束,也可以在动画过程中对服装整体或局部动态施加或者解除约束,与物理方法结合使用,能够保持动画系统的动力学特性。  相似文献   
检录工作是田径运动会临场裁判工作的开始,与其它各裁判组有着密切的联系,与运动员、教练员接触面最广,对运动会的顺利进行有着重要影响。本文对检录工作的改革进行初步论述,提出了4点改革措施。  相似文献   
Wool & silk blended fancy suiting is desinged. Through trial-production with silk sliver and Australian wool top, the spinning technology is investigated, and the relationship of spinning technology, blending ratio and yarn construction is discussed.  相似文献   
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